I'm happy to announce the split C30 with Half An Abortion is out now.


"Paul Watson, aka BBBlood, is a maestro of noise. Harsh noise. Wandering through his extensive back catalogue, you'll come up against some pretty intense sounds; however, there's a depth and consideration with Paul's approach that soon has you warming to them and reaping the rewards accordingly... – Sheepscar Light Industrial

Half an Abortion is far more considered than the gonzo band name would have you expect, this is carefully layered, properly physical noise. Bits of this could lazily be described as ‘harsh’, I suppose, but it isn’t confrontational. It actually has a very engaging flow, a wry humour and a structure that invites the listener to climb all over it. Pete clearly wishes you to pay attention and you’ll be rewarded if you do. – Radio Free Midwich

Both sides of this split tape are composed entirely from glass sound sources."

£5 – UK
£6 – Europe
£7 – Rest of World

Please contact for more information.


Mitti Da Bawa said...

Muy bien, gracias por compartir este artículo post.Really ganas de leer más. Fantástico.
Cassete a MP3

Paul Watson said...

You're welcome. I might possibly upload the tracks as MP3 once sold out to BandCamp.