Mental Funeral

Coming very soon BBBlood / al Qaeda split 7" on Trans-Dimensional Sushi.

Just waiting on a few things to be finalised and then a full proper announcement will go out.

Any distributors please get in touch, this release is limited to 259 copies.

There's a slim chance I'll have copies by the time of Mach Nausea in July, stay posted for more information.

Also copies of the 'Deep-fried Ectoplasm' 3" have sold out.

Free Show tonight - Reminder / Live Video

Hey, just a quick reminder that BBBlood is playing at the Others (in Stoke Newington) tonight at ILL FM

June 4th @ The Others

Come on down.

Also just recently uploaded by Open Your Skull a video of the Croydon set.

Thanks to Steve for uploading these and recording the show.